We can do our best to set the furniture wherever you want but we can't do miracles

-Make sure the furniture you buy will fit trough the doors and corridors. Sometimes we can do our magic and get it in but we faced situations when our customers spent their money on furniture that will never enter the door. Don't buy it before you don't do some measurements, this can save your money. Check the furniture size with the sealer and make sure you are buying the right one. Don't hesitate to ask if it can be dismantled and make sure you check every piece of it so we, or you can install it back. Ask for installation instruction, this can make your life much easier and save you a lot of time.

-American fridge freezer can be easier to bring in if we take the doors off. Again make sure the fridge can fit trough the doors and corridors. An american fridge freezer can cost a fortune so make sure you spend the money well. Once we had to take one up on the stairs but it didn't fit even after we took the doors off. The customer end up spending another £300 on cutting off the stair rail and installing it back.

-don't bother if we decide to take off the doors, a bit of extra work in the beginning can save your walls from damages and scratches. you will have it back together and in fully working order in no time.

-our suggestion is to let the fridge rest for a couple of hours after transportation so the gas will settle and it will work on full capacity.

-Loading and unloading can be difficult sometimes especially if there is a long way between van and house. Saving time on loading and unloading will save money in your pocket. Talk to your neighbours and let them know you are moving house or just some furniture and you need a clear parking space. Bring whatever is easy for you down on the stairs, we don't mind doing that but think about time. Put your close friends on test and ask them for help, a pack of beer is cheeper than few hours of work.

-Pack your belongings well. Use strong cardboard boxes for your fragile items as dishes, cups, glass, etc. If you don't have any, visit your local shop and ask them for some boxes, if you are lucky enough you won't have to spend any money on buying them. Plastic bin bags might be a good and cheep idea for clothes, just make sure you get the stronger bags. TV's should be in the box, sealed and ready to go. if you don't have the box anymore nothing to worry about. we will wrap it in thick blankets and secure it with straps.

-Please make sure the house is well vented, we reserve the rights to cancel the job if there is any strong smell or bad odor in the house. We are not a cleaning company, we just move your belongings.

-Don't worry about any mess or random items unpacked or randomly left around, we understand how stressful is to move house.

-Your personal information such as: names, address, phone numbers, emails, etc. are fully confident and we don't share them with anyone.

-If you already done a deep cleaning or you just want to keep the floor clean don't hesitate to ask us to cover the floor with blankets. This will take us few minutes and save you from doing extra work after we leave.